
The 9/11 Memorial in photos and the thoughts I had while visiting.

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  1. Despite your feelings or opinions (which you have every right to!) about that day, this is a beautifully written post that I can certainly relate too. I especially love that photo from the corner of a reflecting pool. Thank you for sharing.

  2. Beautiful images, Jaime. Know that you are not alone in your thoughts and doubts about what happened that day. May we all strive to build a better earth 🙂
    Gayla~ recently posted..Things to do in Paris – Château de Vincennes

  3. The reflective pools are so lovely. They couldn’t have created a more fitting memorial I think.
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  4. Thank you for sharing your awesome photos and thoughts on this event. I have similar feelings to yours…. not something I talk much about in public though! 🙂 As weird as it was to visit ( I was there last September) I couldn’t draw myself away and my friend and I spent hours there. I was living a little bit of my own tragedy the day this happened, so visiting that memorial put things in perspective for me a little.
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    • Jaime Davila says:

      Lina, I’m glad I’m not alone on my feelings. I don’t talk about them too much because I know most people think I’m crazy, but in reality I just say think of all the events that happened that day and let me know if it just all seems to grand to pull off. Anyway I can reply a novel on that subject so wont. Sorry for your personal tragedy, but I’m sure an event like this would put so many things into perspective.

  5. Very well written post which tries to take a more impartial view of the events. Everyone has their own thoughts and ideas about what actually happened on that day 12 years ago, maybe one day we will know what exactly happened maybe we won’t but that is not the important thing to highlight when remembering the events of the day and I think you do a good job here in stepping away from your own concerns. Great pictures, very well written, informative and moving, keep up the good work!
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    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thank you so much Partial. I hope one day we do find out what really happened, because I think we still have no clue. Thanks again for the comment and I’m happy you enjoyed the post.

  6. Stunning photographs! Beautifully written piece.

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