
Berlin Street Art in photos!

Berlin… what is Berlin? I don’t even think Berliners know what Berlin is. I think Berlin is a city in the mist of identity crisis or one that has always had one. It’s a city filled with people from just about every country on earth. It’s a city with so much history especially recent that has had the worlds attention for decades. Today it has it as being the hipster capital of the world and often named the coolest city in the world. I’m no hipster so don’t know if that’s the case or not, but would agree with calling it the coolest city in the world. I visited Berlin 4 years ago and was a bad boy, but loved it. I knew I had to go back because I just wanted to be there. Like I literally just wanted to be and I did just that. I actually was able to do that thanks to the week I spent there at my good friends Ali of Ali’s Adventures and Andy of Grounded Traveler place. Seriously thanks for hosting me for a week.

So yes Berlin is a city where you can just be. By “just be” I mean a city you can visit and be yourself 100%. You don’t need to pretend to be anyone else, because in Berlin no one gives a fuck who you are. This is a city where you can be and basically do whatever you want and no one will bat an eyelash. It’s something you see and notice as you walk around the city. It’s what I love most about this city… okay that and it’s German efficiency… oh and it’s street art. Yes one of the things I think anyone who visits Berlin will notice is the street art and graffiti everywhere. I don’t think you can walk down any street in Berlin and not spot some form of street art. Y’all know I love street art so for me Berlin is a street art heaven. Kind of like Valparaiso, Chile or Buenos Aires, Argentina are too. During my week there I mostly rested, but enjoyed walking around the city and getting photos of it’s amazing street art. Here are some of my favorites.

Berlin Street Art

—A couch, a bike and graffiti… Yup I’m in Berlin!!!—

Berlin Street Art

—Random paste ups on a wall in Berlin.—

Berlin Street Art

—Solidarity with refugees and immigrants.— 

Berlin Street Art

—A cute Frankenstein listening to music.—

Berlin Street Art

—VIVA LA RESOLUCION” with the iconic revolutionary Che.—

Berlin Street Art

—Urban decay & art is what’s beautiful about Berlin!!!—

Berlin Street Art

—Look closely… that’s a door!!!—

Berlin Street Art—LOVE • LOVE • LOVE • LOVE & a raven.—

Berlin Street Art


Berlin Street Art

—Writings on the bathroom wall can be inspirational too.—

Berlin Street Art—Don’t we all wish this?—-

Berlin Street Art

—Wish every establishment on earth had this at the entrance.—

Berlin Street Art

—“He’s gone and I’m still here.”

Berlin Street Art

—🎼Have you ever thrown a fist full of glitter in the air? Have you ever looked fear in the face… And said I just don’t care?🎶

Berlin Street Art

—Amazing to find a piece of Colombia in Berlin. This is a piece by Colombian street artist @guache_art.—

Berlin Street Art

—Portrait street art mural of Anne Frank.—

Berlin Street Art

—More amazing street art in Berlin.—

Berlin Street Art

—Mural at the East Side Gallery.—

Berlin Street Art

—“Kani Alavi’s work “Es geschah im November” or “It happened in November” depicts the crowd he saw from his window the night the wall fell.”—

Berlin Street Art

—Another mural from the East Side Gallery in Berlin.—

Berlin Street Art

—“The Trabant was an iconic car of East Germany known for its awful fumes. Here it is depicted by Birgit Kinder as bursting through the wall.”—

Berlin Street Art

—This is something that’s always crossed my mind with the situation in Palestine. I won’t go into further details or my thoughts but this has ALWAYS crossed my mind & is a valid point. • Found scribbled underneath the Jewish Flag (Israel) with the colors of the German Flag.—

Berlin Street Art

—“My God, Help Me to Survive This Deadly Love” also known as “The Fraternal Kiss” by Dmitri Vrubel shows USSR leader Leonid Brezhnev and East Germany leader Erich Honecker locking lips.”—


Ah aren’t some of those pieces amazing? I don’t know what else to say because honestly feel like just about all those images speak for themselves. This is one of the many aspects of Berlin that make it so cool. I know sounds so cliche, but it’s true. I love the detail in the street art. I love the passion that radiates from each piece. I love the messages of acceptance in just about all the work. I know for a fact Berlin is one of those cities I could just live in. I doubt that will ever happen, because yeah I have a few of those cities and well still love my home. So anyway… which of these was your favorite? Do you love Berlin too… why or why not? Have visited Berlin do you agree with how I feel about it?




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  1. The “… don’t come in” photo is real? if so, it’s great!

  2. You found some great ones! I need to explore my own home turf more. Glad to have you stay with us while you were in Berlin, and I hope we see each other again soon!
    Ali recently posted..Copenhagen Food Tour Review

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Ali, yes you should explore more of Berlin. But we both know when a city is your home you really dont explore it much jaja. I also hope our paths cross again soon.

  3. This is a great post Jaime ! I visited Berlin very quickly as you know and my first impression was that it’s a lively, effervescent city with lots of character – nothing like the riot-clad city we saw in the TV.

  4. Looking at the place looks dangerous. Especially when you say that this is the place where in you can be you 100%. But they really do have a colorful street. A freedom of all. Reading comments and blog, changed my point of view. This is a great city after all.
    Marie recently posted..Snapshot Monday ~ Bali, Indonesia

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Marie, not once did I ever feel in danger in Berlin. It’s in fact a very safe city. As usual like all cities in the world you avoid the sketchy parts and keep an eye out for your belongings and you should be fine. Glad you enjoyed this post.

  5. These pictures are great examples of pure art. Historical city.

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