
Camping in Northern Germany & a quick visit to Denmark!

So I’ve told you how one of my awesome readers contacted me and offered me a place to stay. Well during our emails she also mentioned that if I wanted I could stay more than a few days, because she had plans to visit a town in Northern Germany, go camping and also make a quick trip to visit Denmark. As soon as she mentioned all that I told her I was down. I thought, “How the hell can I pass up camping in Northern Germany and also visit Denmark?” After having an EPIC Saturday night out (yes I used epic…lol) and was taught how people in Hamburg party I knew the road/camping trip was going to be just as EPIC. It was that and so much more!

Back roads of Northern Germany! It was beautiful scenery every corner we turned.

It was finally Monday and after waiting for Caroline’s dad to drop off the car and some of the camping gear it was time to hit the road. Chris was the designated driver for the trip, Caroline was the trips navigator from the back seat and I had shot gun. We started the car and I screamed “ROAD TRIP WOOHOO” and things got rolling. It was going to be a 1.5hour trip to Flensburg, and I was given shotgun to see the scenery. I however have a HORRIBLE habit now of falling asleep on any form of moving transportation and I can’t help it. So yes sadly I slept most of the way (I’m sorry Caroline & Chris).

We arrived in Flensburg, and as we were trying to find our way around Caroline saw a sign that said Glucksburg. She mentioned it was a short distance from the town and that if we went we can visit a castle. I heard castle and was sold. We spent a bit there admiring the castle and lake and wondering about the history of it. You can see a shot of the castle here. We then went back to Flensburg and spent the day wandering around the streets and walking along the river. Some of the streets were rarely decorated with shoes hanging everywhere.

The sun was setting and we needed to buy food for dinner and get to Reisbriek about 45 minutes from Flensburg where we were going to be camping and set up the tent. We made our way there and Caroline was nice enough to mention that we were going to be camping at some guys house on the country side of Northern Germany she had only met once at a concert, but had kept in touch through Facebook. I thought, “Wow now I’m like on a million degrees of strangers this should be interesting”.

So ummm yeah this is a shot of where we went camping. Not really the typical camping place, but oh was it amazing.

Pulling into the guys’ house it was like a scene from a horror movie. We found a not so manicured yard filled with what looked like storage units and a lot of old abandoned cars and a cat wondering everywhere. We knocked on the door and no one answered. I was already thinking the worst, but I kept my cool and moments later a speeding car pulls into the yard and then another one. Now 3 guys are standing there and greeting us with huge smiles. We introduced ourselves to Frerk, Finn and Christoph: they were excited to practice the little English they knew with Chris and I. They imidietly told us that we did not need to camp if we didn’t want too that they had a spare bedroom we can stay in. We let them know we really wanted to camp so we went ahead and got everything ready. They showed us the camping ground and I couldn’t stop laughing inside. I thought wow my 1st real camping trip and it’s in this awesome yard. I really did like it. It was so funky and awesome.

A shot of all 6 of us while camping in Riesbrick, Germany. Oh such an amazing time.

After setting everything up the guys had started a huge bon fire so we decided to take our food over there join them and enjoy there company outside. We shared everything we had with them and thanked them for their hospitality. We had brought some beer and rum so were drinking and chatting the night away. I kept thinking how fucking amazing this moment was. Here I was with one of my readers and some complete strangers I had just met in the middle of who knows where in Northern Germany having such an amazing time chatting about a million things and drinking. I honestly wanted to cry from the emotion of amazing-ness I was feeling. At midnight we found out it was one of the guys Birthday so we all wished him best wishes and all had a shot of rum. We kept drinking and a few hours later ended up inside their house playing pool and foosball.

Next thing I remember was it being noon and waking up in my underwear and shirt with Caroline and Chris in the tiny tent. We all woke up around the same time feeling like shit and me of course wondering what had happened. I went through the photos and couldn’t stop laughing. I had had such an amazing night. The guys had to go to work the next day, but they left the house open for us to wash up and do anything else we needed to do before hitting the road to Denmark.

One of the 1st signs you see when you enter Denmark. Yes you must be buckled up at all times (which is normal in many places), but also have your lights on at all times.

After gathering ourselves and getting everything ready it was time to hit the road again. We made our way to Denmark and on our way to the city we were heading we stopped at hot dog stand that seemed to be in the middle of nowhere, but apparently had some of the best hot dogs in Denmark. I knew Danish people loved hot dogs, but didn’t know they took it that serious. They had a huge variety of hot dogs to choose from. I picked the on that looked best and wow it was seriously one of the best hot dogs I have ever had in my life. You can see a picture here. We then continued to the city we were going to be visiting.

I knew Denmark is one of the safest and wealthiest countries in the world and I think you can tell by just driving around and wondering around any town. I noticed how everything every where was very manicured, and clean. We spent the day wandering around the town and seeing some of the sights and then it was getting dark so thought we better head home because we still had a 3 hour drive back. On our way home we decided to have a picnic for dinner on a dock with the food we had left from the night before. We finally made it back to Hamburg exhausted as hell and glad to be home.

I’ll be honest right now this post does not do this adventure justice. It was really one of the best experiences I have had on my trip so far. I think I would rank it up there with the time I spent the night on a Volcano Masaya in Nicaragua. I gave just a quick summary of the adventure and am still in awe at how amazing it really was. For some reason I still can’t grasp how amazing the world is. The 8 nights I was in Hamburg I spent them with one of my readers and then on one of those I spent them camping with some strangers who turned out to be so nice and so happy to have us there. It’s little things like this that remind me how amazing the world really is. Even in the midst of the caos and horrible news we hear the world is filled with amazing people. Before I end it I want to give  a huge thank you to Caroline, Chris and everyone who made those 8 nights epic. I hope some day if I ever settle down I can return the favor to all of you.

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  1. Sounds and looks like you had a great time! So cool of your reader to offer you this opportunity, how lucky you are 🙂
    Julia recently posted..The Future Aint What It Used To Be

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Julia… oh I had a blast! I know it was so cool of my reader to give me this opportunity. I loved every minute of it!

  2. I’m jealous! Some day I’d love to do a big camping trip through Europe! I LOVE camping!
    Val recently posted..Pope or party.

  3. Awesome ! So glad you went camping. Yes, people are pretty amazing 🙂
    Kent @ No Vacation Required recently posted..NVR 101 – Visiting Africa

  4. This is so cool! Great that you even got to spend a day in Denmark. And love the first photo!!
    Globetrottergirls recently posted..Great American Road Trip 2011 – Philadelphia

  5. Sounds like an amazing experience. Bet you didn’t see that one coming when you started your blog!
    Erik recently posted..Photo of the Day- Minuret, Jaffa, Isreal

  6. Sounds like a blast! I love camping so much. And you are right that you fall asleep on any moving transportation. I got a picture of you sleeping on the train from Amsterdam. That’s not creepy at all . . .
    Corey W. recently posted..A Week in Berlin

    • OMG Corey… that is creepy….lol no it’s not at all. I think a few other people have taken pics of me asleep too. Maybe I should post a few of them up…lol. Yes I loved camping too. Must do it again!

  7. Sounds like a awesome trip! Camping with great people and then having some food and wine together with a nice bonfire is always a recipe for success 🙂
    Tijmen recently posted..Kgalagadi Transfrontier Park

  8. This is a great summary of our petit roadtrip!! It does however feel somewhat funny reading the story of my life narrated in another person’s travel blog – makes me feel like a bit of a celebrity =)

    When Chris moves to Flensburg in October I’m sure we’ll go back and visit the guys in Riesbriek. It was a funky place indeed and they were lovely people! Oh and if we go on another trip to Denmark, I’ll see if I can find a suitable magnet for you… =P xx

    • Carolin glad you enjoyed the summary.. I tried my best especially since I knew y’all would be reading it. It does feel weird to narrations of your life by others… but now you have these post as some great memories & of course you are a celebrity to me.

      Oh man I am going to most def one day visit them again… I loved them they were so damn nice and just amazing. Jealous you will be able much sooner then I will be able too.

      I love that you think about me and my damn magnet… seriously I dont even know how to thank you. You are a great human. I love ya! Thanks so much for everything.

  9. I’ve actually never been camping yet, but your spur of the moment camping trip in Europe was pretty sweet! Enjoyed reading about it 🙂
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