
Falling in love in Cairo…

Ahhh Cairo… crazy city of 15 million+ from the moment I arrived I knew it was going to be interesting. What I didn’t know is that I would fall in love with someone. Not sure if you remember my 1st post on Egypt from a while ago… about a gay date through the streets of Cairo? Well it turned out to be more than just a date. It evolved into something more and fast. I will never forget having our 1st cup of tea together in a little café at the spiffy Opera House. At that time I would have never guessed everything that would happen.

Our 1st tea/date!

After that we ended up spending every moment we could together while I was in Cairo. If he worked during the day I’d sight see so we could spend the nights together. If he was off during the day we would spend it together and then enjoy each other presence at the hostel at night. It was new it was fresh it was amazing. I really liked this guy a lot and was enjoying every minute we were together. I had met many of his friends and enjoyed their company as well. Everyone spoke English so it was easy to communicate with each other.

I left Cairo for the 1st time for a few days when I headed to Siwa Oasis to visit the Sahara Desert. I came back and we still spent every moment we could together. I left for the 2nd time when I made my way to Aswan and Luxor. I spent a week down there exploring the many temples, visiting a beautiful Island, and riding a hot air balloon over Luxor. While I was down there I also extended my VISA for Egypt, because I knew 30 days was NOT going to be enough time to do every thing I wanted. I also purchased a return ticket to India. I was falling in love with Egypt and little did I know I was falling in love with him too. I knew I wanted to come back to see more of Egypt for sure, I didn’t know at the time I was going to want to come back to see him. I arrived back in Cairo after a week away and again spent every moment I could with him.

I Love Egypt

My next trip away was too Dahab where I spent a week loosing track of time, but I was missing him so much and before I had left things had changed a bit. His friend who had let us stay a few nights there let me know that when I get back I no longer needed to stay at a hostel. That when I get to Cairo I can come straight to his apartment because we could now stay in a spare bedroom he has. I thanked him and in my head couldn’t believe it. I’d be moving in with a guy I like in an apartment in Cairo. I came back from Dahab and arrived in Cairo around midnight & he was waiting for me at Tahrir Square where we made our way to his friend’s apartment. He had mentioned to me that he had been working too much and didn’t have time to fix up the spare bedroom so would still need to sleep in his friend’s room. In the back of my head I was upset, but understood and was just happy to be with him and out of a hostel. We arrived at the apt and moments later he surprised me with a clean bedroom and a mattress (he got for free from the hostel). Ahh it was amazing we were going to have our own bedroom for the next 2 weeks.

My birthday was coming up and he took a day off before my birthday so we could spend it all day together. Normally for my birthday I love going all out and having a huge dinner and party (like last time). This year though all I wanted to do was spend it with my new friends in the apt having kosheri and a few beers. That’s what I told him and he said that was fine. Later that night he surprised me with a room filled with balloons, streamers, cake (with candles) and a gift (a new beautiful watch) along with all our friends. I couldn’t believe it, it was one of the sweetest things ever and from that moment I knew I truly loved him.

My birthday celebration!

The next few days were magical we spent every minute we could together and loving every minute of it. I loved this guy and hadn’t felt this way towards another man in years. In my eye’s he was perfect and treated me the way I had always wanted a man to treat me. We make each other laugh and smile and makes me feel special, but then came the hard part. I knew I was leaving on March 4th to spend 3 months exploring India. It had already been my plans for a long time and knew I didn’t want to change them and would be coming back to Egypt anyway.

The last few days in Cairo were hard… every minute we’d spend together we knew it would be one less minute we’d have together. The night before we both spent it in tears and just holding each other. We knew it wasn’t goodbye, but a see you later. The next morning we had agreed that he was not going to come with me to the airport because it would just be hard for the both of us. So we got in the cab together and dropped him off at work. I stepped outside gave a huge hug and got back in the cab and made the long journey to the airport.

Love Story in Cario!

I turned around caught one last glimpse of him then looked forward and held the tears back all the way to the airport.  I’ve now been in India a week and to tell you the truth it’s been tough adjusting to this country, but making it more difficult is that I do miss him and a lot. I think about him all the time and miss the comfort of our bedroom and his arms around me. I know it’s going to be hard and know if I wanted too I could fly back to Cairo tomorrow, but I know I am doing the right thing by doing what I want to do and explore India for 3 months before heading back. It’s going to be hard for the both of us, but I know he understands as much as I do. In the mean time I can only make the most of our situation and enjoy the present, because no one knows what tomorrow holds.

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  1. Wahhh! Now I am all teary-eyed and sappy. I can relate to the feelings you had when leaving…I’ve been there and it’s one of the hardest series of emotions to go through. I do hope you are able to enjoy India. Look forward to reading about your reunion when you return to Cairo. 🙂
    Erin recently posted..Ambergris Caye, Belize Restaurants: Sunday Brunch at Red Ginger inside The Phoenix Resort

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Erin, I didn’t mean to make any one teary-eyed. I know it’s a hard set of emotions when you have to say bye to someone you love. Oh & of course I will write about the reunion… if it happens. I say if because I know my plans are always changing, but I have the return ticket already so doubt I’ll change it.

  2. This is just the sweetest post ever! TEARS! I’m so happy you found love, and found someone who appreciates and honors just how awesome you are! I know distance sucks, trust me. I’ve been with Johnny for 6 years and these 2 months apart are just killing me, so I definitely know how you feel.

    Enjoy your time in India, it’s going to fly by! Before you know it, you’ll be in your man’s arms again!
    Sheryll recently posted..Bella Venezia

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Awww thanks Sheryll, I’m happy I found someone too who appreciates me for who I am and treats me the way I want to be treated. Distance does suck, but it can help figure out how I really feel and see what happens in the future. As for being away from Johnny I know it’s been hard for you, ut you will be with him in a few weeks & that time will fly.

  3. Wow, what a story, I always knew tea was the most romantic of drinks forget champagne! My husband and I fell in love over a squashed chocolate Lindt bunny!!

    • Jaime Davila says:

      jaja Gev… yes tea is the most romantic of the drinks! Falling in love over some squashed chocolate is not bad at all. I miss a good chocolate, haven’t found much of it here in India.

  4. Beautifully written Jaime! I know it hurts, but time passes quickly when you’re on the road. I’m really happy that you found love! Can’t wait to read about the reunion!
    Jodi recently posted..My Austrian Detour

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Jodi… it does hurt, but you are right time will fly by and before I know it I will be back in Egypt.

  5. You’re never going to forget these travel memories, Jaime. The ones that touch your heart are the ones that stay with you forever.
    Patricia GW recently posted..True Love is True Myth

  6. Aww Jaime, what a heart-felt post!! Makes me emotional just reading it. It’s so beautiful that you found someone and fell in love! Who knew?! I admire you so much for continuing on to India, it takes courage to keep going on your journey after finding someone who you feel complete with. I wish you both the best, continue doing what you know is right for you. We will follow your blog no matter what! xoxoxo

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Kelley, sorry I made everyone get emotional. Thanks again for the great comment. It was hard to continue because I know I could have easily stayed in Egypt, but knew I must continue on my journey because I know it’s right for me. Thanks for following my blog.

  7. I know how you feel too! I left the boy that became my boyfriend back in Croatia but I knew we weren’t done yet, so that’s when I went to Australia! Good luck, love reading about your travels.
    Caroline in the City recently posted..Australian Backpacker Bars

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Oh wow Caroline so you met him in Croatia and are now in Australia with him? If I understood that correctly how amazing is that! Thanks for reading my travels, glad you enjoy them.

  8. What a quick, captivating read. And such a heart-warming story, Jaime. What a rush all of this must have been for you. Ah, love…
    Kent @ No Vacation Required recently posted..The Power of a Passport

  9. Alex Ledesma says:

    Oh wow Jaime, congrats on finding love….some people go their whole lives without knowing how that feels and you found it on the other side of the world! You know I always say…everything happens for a reason, so for now enjoy your time in India (i’ve always wanted to go there!!)

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Alex, I agree with “everything happens for a reason” so yes for now I will enjoy my time in India and see what happens next when it gets here. I will take it one day at a time.

  10. Jaime, that was a BEAUTIFUL story!
    Aaron recently posted..Awesome Photography: My 7 Super Shots!

  11. Wow, what an amazing story. Enjoy your journey and I’m sure everything will work out wonderfully 🙂

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thank you Jeff… I will do just that, continue to enjoy my Journey & let thing work out how they should.

  12. Loved reading this! After spending five months with my girlfriend, I lived in Guatemala for four months. I was gone for nearly as long as we’d known each other before I left! It was incredibly hard, communication was difficult (this was back in 2005 before I even knew about Skype…did it exist then? I don’t know!).

    But I came back home after four months abroad (she visited me there during American Thanksgiving), and we re-kindled our romance. And now, SEVEN YEARS LATER, we are still together, legally (!) married in the state of Iowa, sharing a home and life together.

    I have never regretted my four months in Guate. In the end, you won’t regret your 3 months in India.

    True Love waits (I do NOT mean that in the abstinence sense!). I have faith that you will pick up where you left off! 🙂

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Camella… wow… just wow!!! I love everything about your comment I really do. That is amazing & I just can’t believe it. What an amazing story. I am glad I am not alone in falling in love abroad & I hope to god I can make this work out & I know in the end I will do the right thing for me. My 3 months in India will be over before I know it & I will be back in Egypt for sure… then who knows!

  13. I’m FINALLY catching up with your blog. This is such a sweet story! I’m so happy for you that you found someone you fell in love with. 3 months away in India will be hard, but you’ll make it through.
    Ali recently posted..The Great Ocean Road and a Bit of Parrot Poo

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Awww Ali, thanks for catching up. I’m so behind on yours too cus the net in India has just been crap I am sorry. So far it has been hard, being away but I am managing. I will make it through!

  14. I love how open you are about your feelings and can’t wait to find out what happens when you’ll see him again in June! So happy for you that you fell in love – I hope you’ll make it through the three months in India… it’s a loooooooong time 🙁
    Dani | Globetrottergirls recently posted..A white lie and a wild ride in the Windy City

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Hey Dani, thanks. I’m hanging in here… not going to lie I miss him a lot, but FB has helped with that. We chat just about every day when we can. I can’t wait for yall to get here & talk all about this over some beers cus yeah I haven’t had much beer here.

  15. This happened to me in Beijing. It was so hard being the one left behind. We spent a month together before he had to return to Belgium to study for exams. I was there two more weeks after that, and it was so hard to stay in the same city where all I knew was him. But if it’s any hope to you, him and I are still dating long distance many months later! In fact, that’s why I went to Europe when I met you in Munich–it was to visit my love in Belgium! Can you believe it’s been that long since those days? I miss you. Hope you’re staying healthy. Enjoy India, and make it out to Southeast Asia if you can. My favorite places in the world are there.


    • Jaime Davila says:

      Ahhh Lisa, HOW ARE YOU? Miss you so much!!! Oh I remember all about this. I’m so happy y’all are still dating… that gives me so much hope. It must be so hard though. Being so far away from each other? I know it seems like its been ages since you visited me in Munich. So damn crazy! How is NYC? I hope I make it to SEA… the thing is if I leave Egypt I am going to be the one that leaves him. It’s a crazy situation but we’ll see what happens.We need to catch up soon.

  16. Sat here with tears in my eyes, what a lovely story! I’ve got a boyfriend now and now you’re questioning me if I love him or not!

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Didn’t mean to make anyone cry Connor. Love is a tricky thing and well you will know if its real or not. Hope all is well.

  17. Sherif Ismail says:

    well first i was touched by your words i am sherif ismail 29 Egyptian living in new Cairo and i like your blog v

    much especially your travels i also went to 8 countries (only because of visa restrictions) any way glad that u

    were happy in egypt hope to see you next time

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