
2 years into my “BREAKAWAY” & I’m going home, but it’s not over.

I’ve been starring at this blank screen for a while now… and have no idea what to write. I thought I did, but honestly… I just don’t and what’s crazy is you may be reading this while I am on my flight home or already home… who knows. Anyway I’m currently in Dubai Airport and just got back from visiting the worlds tallest building. It’s so fucking tall it’s insane… how the hell does it not fall over I haven’t the slightest clue, but more on all that later.

Burj Khalifa, Dubai

—The Burj Khalifa (the world’s tallest building) with a bit of flair thanks to the sand in my camera! —

Lets go back to me not knowing what to say… so yeah I guess the reason I have nothing to say is because I am going home. HOME… what is home? I haven’t been there in 2 years well aside for the 3 weeks I was home for my best friends wedding (21 months ago). I don’t know how to explain how I am feeling. It’s a feeling of excitement and fear. The funny thing is I normally have these same feelings when I am at any airport heading off to a new destination, but that fear is because I don’t know what lies ahead and I am scared shitless of the unknown, but never let it stop me. As for the fear I am feeling now it’s because I know what is at home and don’t know how I am going to react to it after 2 years of backpacking around the world… reverse culture shock anyone???

The last 2 years have no doubt been the best 2 years of my life and I know they have changed the core of me in ways I will never understand or even realize until days or even years from now. I know I’m still the goofy sometimes immature Jaime that will continue to do stupid things (and write about them), but the way I process information now and see the world is forever changed. It’s that part of understanding the world just a bit more that I fear people will not understand about me when I get home. I don’t even know if that make sense, but it’s just one of the many fears I have. I won’t list them all because seriously I could go on & on… and well that’d be boring. I could also reminisce and list the million amazing things I did the past two years, but won’t do that either. Hopefully you have been following along & if not you can enjoy the adventure through my blog because it was one hell of an adventure that’s for sure.

The end of a RTW trip.

—My ticket home & my key to the world.—

I guess really the only thing I wanna say right now is that for the 1st time in my life I feel like I have accomplished a dream of mine and feel like I can finally say I am so fucking proud of myself. I was proud of myself when I left, but now that it’s all over it’s a feeling of accomplishment. Ahh now I have tears and I’m in the middle of the fucking airport waiting for my gate to be listed so I can catch my flight to Houston. It’s the truth… and I still can’t believe that I’m heading home now. It seems like just yesterday I planned to travel the world for two years and exactly two years ago today  arrived at San Jose, Costa Rica on a one way ticket.

What I know now though is that the people I met, the wonders I saw, the things I learned and the memories I made are priceless and will be with me for the rest of my life. I also know that I’m heading home and when I do arrive it will be the end of this adventure, but my “BREAKAWAY” will continue. I’ve learned that for me now “BREAKAWAY” is a lifestyle of being happy not just backpacking. So I know I will be happy at home taking a break from travel and making the most of it and working things out for the next grand adventure. So yes I’m going home, but it’s not over for me. Who knows what lies ahead… Australia, South America, more of Africa, Asia or Europe??? The world is my oyster and I will continue to figure out ways to see more of it, because I’m not ready to settle down just yet. Oh & as for my blog thank you so much for following along and don’t worry I still have tons to write about that I haven’t written about of my journey around the world.

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  1. Awweeee Jaimecito, its always hard going back but you sound like you got it covered. Visit fam, save money, and ‘Breakaway’ again. Life is AMAZING isn’t it??? Look at how many new people you got to meet and LOVE>amazeballs

    Hang in there, the first few months least they did for me when I started going back home regularly, then I just gave up because it made me so mad to be there when all I wanted to do was be here…wait where is here?

    LOVE YOU!!!
    Mica recently posted..Sky diving at 15,000 feet-living the dream in Wanaka, New Zealand

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Hey Mica thanks for the comment and omg hell yes… LIFE IS AMAZING!!! I met so many people and learned a million new things. I’m happy I was able to meet you on my travels even though we had out crazy moments in Egypt jaja. Love you too & hope our paths cross again some where on this small world.

  2. Congratulations, Jaime! I look forward to seeing what’s next for you and to hearing about your transition home.
    The Time-Crunched Traveler (Ellen) recently posted..Why our first trip to Turkey won’t be our last

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Ellen, I look forward to it too jaja. I hope it will be easy and well I hope I figure out whats next soon as well.

  3. So odd to think of the passage of time, travel, and blogging. I distinctly remember when you were still back in Houston planning your trip. And now that I think back, I can’t remember where I was when you left. Good luck back home.
    Michael Hodson recently posted..A quick look at Finland via Instagram for my #visitFinland trip

    • Jaime Davila says:

      It’s crazy Michael how time just passes by… I can’t believe it’s been two years. Thanks for the luck, I will be needing that. I’ve been home a week and damn it’s been hard. Hope it gets better with time and well that I’m back on the road soon.

  4. Ah, I can’t believe the end date is finally here!

    I’ve LOVED following your journey. I remember reading your posts before you’d even left about how nervous you were and jokingly wondering if you would find love on the road! 😉

    I was telling Dave the other day that yours is the only travel blog that I’ve read every single post you’ve ever written and so I’ve loved watching your story unfold and seeing you change and grow. I’m proud of you! I’m so sad we had so many near misses and nearly met up so many times! Maybe one day in the future, in Houston or Cairo or somewhere else entirely 🙂

    Enjoy your time back home and I can’t wait to see what the future holds for you! Oh, and please don’t be one of those travel bloggers that returns home after travelling and never updates their site again! 🙂

    • Jaime Davila says:

      I know Lauren I can’t either… it’s been a crazy two years, but two years I will never forget…like ever. Thank you for reading my blog & I hate that our paths didn’t cross on the road, even though we were so damn close a few times. As for love on the road well you may be upset at my next post… whenever I get the courage to write again…lol. Oh I wont be one of those travel bloggers who gets home and never updates their site again. I have a ton of more stories to share with everyone and know my travels aren’t done yet.

  5. Thanks for everything you’ve been writing. I’ve enjoyed reading it! Have a safe flight home and that you settle back in comfortable (but not too comfortably!). Home isn’t the roof over your head – it’s the people you share your life with.

    Best Wishes!
    Joshua recently posted..The day I ditched the Subway

  6. I can’t believe it!!! You have no idea how inspiring you were to me when I was planning my “breakaway” two years ago. Now I’ve been through Africa and I’m in the process of exploring SEA. Thank you for your blog, Jaime. I sure hope you continue to write and post about your transition home also. I am a faithful follower and look forward to what’s to come. Best wishes to you!!!


    • Jaime Davila says:

      I know Kelley I can’t either and wow thank you for saying those kind words to me. I’m sitting here trying not to cry reading what you left me. I’m so happy I inspired you to take your own “breakaway” and look at you go. I will continue to write for sure. I will write about the transition and of many other stories I have left to share about my 2 years around the world.

  7. wow!! going home!! yeah be abit of a shock getting back i guess!!! lol. been really good reading about it all!! and has made me want to see places i never thought i would want to go to!! and i hope to get to some of them!! if not all!! lol. all the best!!!

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Hi Bernie, yes it’s been a shock for sure. Thank for reading my blog and well I hope it has inspired you to get out there and see more of the amazing world. If you need any help let me know, I’m always willing to help anyone out if I can.

  8. I’m really happy for you Jaime, because you should be proud of yourself!
    It’s amazing what you’ve done, that’ you’ve had the balls to do it.
    I hope you’ll enjoy catching up at home and maybe being there will also help to process some things and give you a new kind of piece. Looks you’re already on your way there:)
    Sofie recently posted..Rota: A peaceful town with lots of day trip opportunities

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thank you so much Sofie, I’ve been home a week now and I have enjoyed catching up for sure. It has been hard for me, but know it will take a while before I readjust 100%. I’m just gonna take it one day at a time.

  9. Home? What is home after 2 years of living wherever you put your bag down for the night? It is an interesting challenge and the reverse culture shock is a killer! My best advice is to enjoy it just like you would a new destination. Don’t stop traveling, plan little trips in you city. Continue to see new things! I hope you still keep writing because I really do think you offer the most heartfelt posts of any of us bloggers 😉
    Alexandra recently posted..Where to stay in Cayos Cochinos – Turtle Bay Eco Resort Review

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Okay for real Alexandra, what is home after 2 years on the road? Well I’ve been home about a week now and it’s been so hard. I know I need more time and well for now just taking it day by day. Thank you for the kind comment about my blog, really appreciate it.

  10. Seriously, 2 years already? How the f*ck did that happen? It has been so wonderful to follow your journey, and even be a part of it for a brief week in Valencia. You probably will have reverse culture shock when you get home, it’s inevitable after all you’ve been through. But you’ll make it through this too, and we will all happily read along.

    I totally just went to the Emirates site to look up your flight to see what time you’re supposed to land, and it says you still have a few hours to go. So weird that you’re going home. Obviously we all knew this day would come, but it’s still weird.

    I’m really looking forward to seeing where you decide to go next. And please update your expenses section when you get the chance, I’d love to know how much you spent TOTAL on your trip.

    I really don’t know what else to say. Your blog has made me laugh and cry, sometimes in the same post. You’re one of the few who truly writes things exactly as they are, exactly as you think or say them, and even before I met you in person, I could hear you coming through your posts. I can’t imagine how many people you have inspired to travel or take a leap of faith on something else they’ve been scared to do.

    I think I’m beginning to sound like I’m writing in someone’s yearbook, so I think I’ll go now. I love you Jaime! Let’s catch up soon. HUGS!!
    Ali recently posted..The Documents of Travel

    • Jaime Davila says:

      I know right Ali, where did it all go? I remember when you & 1st started talking on Twitter like omg 3-4years ago & were planning our “breakaways” look at us now. I mean fuck it’s just insane. We did know this day would come, but now it came & I have been home a week. I love that you went to find my flight on Emirates…lol, I love you! I know I need to update my expenses and will soon and of course will write a post of it all. I still have no clue where I am going next, but think I am leaning more towards South America than Australia, but who knows.

      I love that my blog has made you laugh, cry and well feel so many different emotions. Thanks for the kind complement, because sometimes I feel like my blog is not good enough, but then I think about it and love it because it’s 100% me and I know I’m good enough for me. Thanks for following along from the beginning. I hope I’ve inspired many people… to take a leap of faith and follow their dreams. Well I’m writing this with tears because in a way it does feel like a yearbook… it’s the end of an era and you’ve been a part of it from the start. I mean we’ve helped each other out so much. Thank you for your virtual friendship and I’m happy we were able to meet up in my travels and hope we are able to meet up again one day. HUG BACK!

  11. Wow. I remember reading your blog before your breakaway… two years goes by really fast. Congratulations on your two years. It’s been great following along with you on your journey, and I can’t wait to see what comes next.
    Alouise recently posted..My Canada- It’s Fantastic

    • Jaime Davila says:

      I know it’s crazy Alouise and well now I’ve been home a week. Thanks for following along and well I will keep writing and keep everyone posted with what’s next in my crazy life.

  12. You really inspired many people and I’m sure you will inspire more.. I’m more than proud of you..

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Why you gotta make me cry too? Thanks so much! I hope I inspired you to follow your dreams. Love you and miss you more than you can imagine.

  13. Congratulations on two years! Wow! It’ll be nice for you, I’m sure, to head home and rest. And to reconnect with people (and not live out of a backpack) and those things that seem so appealing when you spend so long on the road.
    I get the feeling you’ll be out and about in the world again soon enough, though! Good luck!
    Turtle recently posted..The best of the rest: Photos from Myanmar

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks so much Turtle, been home a week now & it’s been tough. I know it will take a while before I get back in the swing of things and feel normal again, but no lie I love having a nice bed to sleep in every night and well seeing my family and friends as well. I’ll be back on the road soon enough.

  14. Marla Johnson says:

    I’m really sad. It’s kind of weird, I dont even know you but I am going to miss you! I hope you make all your dreams come true!

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Maria, I’m going home but I’m not gonna stop blogging. So my crazy stories will still be around. Thanks for following along and well I hope I make all my other crazy dreams come true too.

  15. It was great to meet you on your journey Jaime! Good luck in whatever comes next. 😀

    • Jaime Davila says:

      It was nice meeting you on the road too Matt. I still remember the night we spent on the volcano like it was yesterday. Hope the next adventure I go on is just as amazing as this one.

  16. So proud of you dearie. Let’s catch up soon. And if you need a temporary getaway from Houston, NYC is always just a short flight away!

    I still remember the time I met up with you in Houston for my job interview just before you headed out for the two years, in mid-February of that year. Can’t believe it’s been two years. A lot has happened, right? Love that we also got to meet up in Munich. Crazy to think that was over 1.5 years ago also.

    Onward we go, towards our next adventure… <3

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Lisa, ahhhh yes we need to catch up soon!!! I’ve already been thinking about going to NYC for a bit… like for real. I guess we really need to skype soon. I love that you met me up right before my journey and during my journey and now I hope after as well. I love that we stayed in touch and love that I have your friendship. Crazy how time flies, but now to figure out what’s next.

  17. Welcome home! It’s a bitttersweet feeling isn’t it?
    Jill recently posted..Mauna Kea, Sunset At 13000 Ft

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Jill, oh man so bittersweet. I’ve been home a week now and fuck it’s good and bad. It’s been so hard readjusting, but nice to have an amazing bed to sleep in and seeing all my friends and family. Oh & the food… lets just stop there…lol!

  18. I thought I had already commented but apparently it was only on FB 🙂

    I’ve loved following your adventures since before you even left, and I can’t believe it’s been over two years since we “met”. Looking forward to reading about whatever comes next and one day meeting you in person.
    Heather recently posted..What to do when an airline loses your bag: My 9-day experience with Air Canada

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thank you so much Heather for following along for so long. It’s crazy that we’ve virtually known each other for so long & our paths have yet to cross, but yet I still feel like we are best friends. I hope out paths cross soon and well who knows what is next, but I’m sure it will be just as amazing.

  19. It’s pretty unbelievable to look at that countdown clock on your sidebar that now reads that your breakway started 733 days ago! Coming home is bittersweet and, from my own experience, I often wonder about just what home means. You’ve gone through a pretty incredible journey over the last two years that will forever change your life. Just remember that this isn’t the end…it’s merely a step in that great big journey called life.

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Oh yes Aaron that countdown on the side is crazy… I just can’t believe it’s all over. I mean this journey has been amazing and like you said has changed me forever, it is bittersweet but Im happy to be home for now and well who know what is next. This isn’t the end… just a break in the big journey called life…lol. Thanks for following along and hopefully our paths cross one day cus damn we’ve missed each other a few times now.

  20. Whoa, I can’t believe the end date is here.. and so soon it seems. I know this is not over, but just want to say, Gerard and I both have enjoyed following your journey and are reminiscing in our hilarious tweets to one another. Welcome home my friend, welcome home.
    Kieu ~ GQ trippin recently posted..Around the World in Mickey D’s

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Kieu so much. Ahh yes it’s been a crazy journey that is for sure… and hope our paths cross one day too. Thanks for the welcome!

  21. Welcome home!!! Congrats on your journey, we really enjoyed following you along on your journey! You inspired us to make our RTW trip happen! And we now leave in under 4 months!!!

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thank you so much Hannah, and wow… I can’t believe I inspired y’all to make y’alls own RTW trip. EEEEeee it’s gonna be here before you know it. Please email me if you need anything, I’d be more than happy to help you out. Oh you’re never gonna regret this.

  22. Congrats! That’s pretty amazing that you have it down to the day, too! 🙂
    Erica recently posted..Pyramids of Giza- Worth It?

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thank you so much Erica. Oh & it’s my OCD that made me come home right on the 2 year mark…lol!!!

  23. There’s no place like home… 🙂

    And remember that when a book ends, a new chapter begins… 🙂 Good luck to your future travels!
    Jemma recently posted..Crisologo Museum in Vigan Ilocos

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Jemma, guess this is just one part of the many parts of my book (life). Who knows what lies ahead, but I’ll make the most of it that is for sure.

  24. I remember reading your blog before you left too and it doesn’t seem like long ago at all!

    I remember this feeling when I returned home after 2 years of travel. I think I was more nervous about coming home then I ever was about leaving.
    There will be little things that feel so strange, like wearing shoes, flushing toilet paper down the loo and generally having all your friends and family around. And you’ll probably see the world completely differently too.
    Looking forward to hearing how you get on!
    Monica recently posted..A new photography project

    • Jaime Davila says:

      I know it’s crazy how time flies. I mean really… 2 years, 2 whole fucking years? Ah Monica I’ve been home a week & it’s been hard… it’s all those lil things that feel so strange and most of all is having everyone back. Anyway thanks for following along on this crazy journey and hope our paths cross one day.

  25. Christopher says:

    Jaime…when I returned from my two year backpack trip around the world when I was your age, I experienced incredible culture shock. I spent six months longing to get on a plane and head back to India. Good luck.

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Hi Christopher, ah I hope it doesn’t take me that long to get back in the groove of things. Not gonna lie it’s been a week and it’s been so damn hard, but know with time… I mean that’s all I can do give it time and take it day by day. Thanks for the comment!

  26. Financial Samurai says:

    Welcome home! What do you plan to do in Houston?


    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks! Umm right now just catch up with friends and family. Maybe travel a bit more here at home before getting a job & saving for my next adventure.

  27. Hey Jaime!!! My name is Maria, I’m 21 and I wrote a comment on your blog before about volunteering in India, about a year ago. I’m from Spain and I came across your blog about one and a half years ago! So I have been following you all along, but because I don’t have a blog on my own I don’t usually post any comments on blogs in general. You know, since I took an interest in traveling (eventhough I havent made any trips yet, I’m still finishing my studies) I have searched for tons of travel blogs and discovered that there are maaany of people that travel the world, but I have to say there are few people that have inspired me as much as you have. The other day I was sitting in my car waiting for a huge storm to pass and I went on yor blog to see if you had already left for home, and I saw this post and I truly thought WOW, I’m so sad but at the same time so glad that there are people that overcome their fears and barriers and breakaway into what they’ve always dreamed of. Gives us hope to us all, those who will follow your steps and even those who will choose a different path. Life seems complicated Jaime but what I have learnt while I followed this blog all along is that somehow if we look over our shoulder, it’s much simpler. So THANKS for sharing all that you share on this blog, and the best of luck in your decisions from now on. I’ll probably start writing more comments on your future posts. And of course if you’re ever in Spain we gotta meet up! MAria

  28. Congrats dude for achieving that dream.

  29. Wow… you didn’t know what to write and i don’t know how to comment to this one! 🙂 i can just only imagine how hard/wird it must be for you to be home after 2 YEARS, my god…2 years is A LOT of time. You’ve changed for sure, people at home has changed too probably.. But what you have now is something that not even the reverse culture shock can take away from you: all your memories, your strenght, your renewed passion for life, discover and adventure. That’s part of you now, and i’m 100% sure that you will find a way to save money again and leave sooner than you think!
    I just started my trip, and in 1 month i experienced already so many emotions and adventures than i honestly can not fully imagine the dept of your feelings now. Enjoy the accomplishment sensation (well deserved) and hang in there if you are having a hard time re-adjust to your “normal” life. A big hug and a huge thank you for all the inspiration and courage you gave me before my dream trip! It helped me so much!
    kle recently posted..Why i decided to travel Solo for a while

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Hi Kle, yeah it was crazy going home after 2 years on the road. Now that I’ve been home over 2 weeks it’s been all good. I mean I have had some hard time adjusting to everything again, but all in all everything is going well so can’t complain. I love what you said cus it’s true, what I have now is two years of my life full of amazing memories that no one can take it away from me. I can’t believe you are already one month into your trip… how crazy how time just flies by. Keep enjoying and make the most of it… huge hug back and your welcome. It means alot to me to hear that I have inspired others to follow their dreams. Oh & well once again if you need anything let me know.

  30. Hey buddy! just stopped by to check in on what you’ve been up to recently and I see your gigantic adventure has come to an end (for now!). I dont know if you remember meeting us at the hostel in Chefchaouen but we’ve been following your travels and getting super jealous! We’ve decided to leave England (and Europe) and head back to NZ but will hopefully be spending 6 months in central/south america along the way. Best of luck settling back into reality! look forward to hearing how it goes and whats in store for us!!

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Hey how are y’all? Wow thanks for following my adventure… gosh I was in Chef AGES ago. So cool y’all are still on the road for a while… now I’m the jealous one, but no worries I’ll be back out there soon. I actually plan on doing South America now… anyway I loved Central America and am sure y’ll will too. Good luck with the rest of the adventure and well if you need any CA tips let me know. Oh don’t skip NICARAGUA.

  31. Congrats, you did something amazing! I can’t imagine what it’s like to go home, we haven’t been in the USA since late 2010 and we’re going to follow you back there in a couple months. Hit us up if you have any tips on what its like after all this time.

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks a ton… I’ll be writing soon about how it feels to come home after 2 years on the road. Have so many post coming out soon.

  32. Jaime – I hope you are adjusting to life back home. I have to say, returning home is my greatest fear. Starting back at square one, with no job. How have you been handling the readjustments and was it easy to find employment?
    Morgan recently posted..Travel Banking: The World Traveler’s Guide for Money Management

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Morgan, thank and well it’s been quite the adventure being back home. I plan on writing about it soon. Just need to catch up a bit on my blog. I’m so behind…lol!

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