
Being dirty with the Leaning Tower of Pisa…

Ahhh the Leaning Tower of Pisa… probably one of the cheesiest icons in the world. I think every backpacker in the world wants to make sure they get the cheesy photo of them holding the tower up. Well I wanted that photo and a few other photos I already had in mind. I was so excited to finally be in PISA just for the damn tower. I knew I was going to be spending a few days in PISA even though there was nothing to do, because I wanted a few days of rest after getting lost in Venice and exploring Florence (even though really aside from getting drunk the other thing I did was visit the most beautiful nude man in the world). I also wanted a break on paying 22 euros a night for a hostel.

I was excited I wasn’t going to be coming to Pisa alone. I had spent 3 days in Florence hanging out with Ayngelina from Bacon is Magic. She has been traveling now around the world for 18 months and was excited to finally meet her. We had some good times in Florence. In true travel blogger fashion we got a bit drunk a few of the nights so needed the rest in Pisa. I was also coming to Pisa to meet Giulia from Travel Reportage. I was excited to finally meet her as well. She has spent about 9 months in Egypt (yes even during the revolution) and I was excited to pick her brain with questions I had about Egypt since I will shortly being going there.

Ayngelina and I made our way to the train station to meet up with Giulia… and from there we found a nice little restaurant tucked away off the main street and enjoyed a nice Italian lunch as we chatted away about everything. After spending a few hours there we made our way to the tower. When we did oh did we have fun… here are some of the shots I managed to get with the tower.


Naught photos of the Leaning Tower of Pisa!

Leaning Tower of Pisa!

Leaning Tower of Pisa!

Leaning Tower of Pisa!

Leaning Tower of Pisa!

Leaning Tower of Pisa!

I am so glad I had Ayngelina and Giulia with me because I have no clue how I would have got any of these shots with out them. Imagine had I had to ask someone to take these photos of me for me? What a nightmare… So yes I had a huge leaning tower penis, held it up in true leaning fashion, gave it a quick blow job, but it was kinda big…lol! Gave it a cute lil kiss and then tried to hold it up with one of my legs. I have no clue why I am holding my ass like that but I am…lol!!! Then the 3 of us wanted a goofy photo together so we thought girls against boys and well as you can see they are beating me.

I have to admit though the tower is very impressive. I don’t know why I thought it would be ugly, falling apart and small. In fact it is very big, pretty and intact 100% and well leaning (thats how I would describe something of mine…  jajaja). As for the town of Pisa I like it as well. It’s cute and seems to be full of life. Have you been to the tower I would love to see your photo? Did you take any dirty photos with the tower? Have you been to Pisa what did you think of it? Oh & of course let me know what you think of my photos…lol!

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  1. Hahaha nice work! We did the exact same thing with the Eiffel Tower and plan on putting them up soon.

    Great minds or something like that… lol.
    Kieron recently posted..Scottish Road Trip Day 3: Searching for Nessie, Castles and The Best Fish And Chips

    • I wanted to do this with the Eiffel Tower too, but when I was there the grass was closed off and couldn’t find a great location to make them work. I can’t wait to see the photos.

      And of course great minds think alike… lol!

  2. if you hang out with me long enough… you’ll be lugging a tripod around! 😀

  3. Hahahaha, these photos are AMAZING!! And exactly what I would do if I was there. Love it!
    Lauren recently posted..The Temple of Heaven: Escaping Chaotic Beijing

  4. Great photos, love the ‘blow job’ 😉
    Globetrottergirls recently posted..33 things we love about New York City

  5. Ahhhh, I love your pictures! so brilliant. You definitely got clever with those ones.
    Samantha recently posted..Weekend Getaway to Paris

  6. HAHAHAHAHAHA! I love it! Freaking hilarious!
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  7. I’m totally not surprised by the one of the tower between your legs! Looks like a fun day!
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    • jaja of course you aren’t you know me way to well!!! We had so much fun… I felt sorry for the girls having to take these photos…lol!

  8. Oh my god… all that effort… no wonder you needed cheap wine in Rome.

    We got a good vibe in Pisa… would love to go back one day. We did not, however, take the time to have this much fun with the camera.

  9. I spit out my coffee with that first shot! 😉
    Andi of My Beautiful Adventures recently posted..France & Italy With Trafalgar Tours: Day 3 (Part 2)

  10. Some of the best Pisa photos I’ve seen yet!
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  11. Still laughing & a little angry that I only thought of the “classic” pose 😉
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  12. en serio, you get the most responses to any post involving your crotch….

  13. LOL, great I was there to see these photos being taken!!!
    They all turned out very well, wo-hooo!!!
    I wonder what you will do with the pyramids… :p
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  14. I’m so glad I decided to tag along with you to Pisa, it was a lot of fun.
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  15. Funny pictures. Too many tourists is all I have to say about Pisa. We were there in the middle of summer and it was hilarious to watch everybody taking the same photos. My photos are mostly of a bunch of people with their hands up holding the tower.

    • Oh Nat… I know what you mean… lol… so many, but we were there during low season so I can not imagine being there in mid summer. I can only imagine.

  16. Did you get a chance to go to the top? I know it is a bit expensive, but totally amazing climbing it. It leans far enough that it is crazy to climb, yet not far enough to feel unsafe.

    Great pics.
    Andrew recently posted..Is it really Expats versus Locals?

    • Jaime Davila says:

      No Andrew sadly I did not climb it… didn’t want to spend the money on that. I’d rather spend it on climbing something I really want to climb. I was shocked though at how far it really leans… Its pretty cool!

  17. hilarious photos haha
    flipnomad recently posted..How much did I spend in Yogyakarta, Bromo and Bali

  18. The first photo is priceless. Wish my mind was as dirty as yours to think like that 🙂
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