
Photo Round Up – Week 2

5 photo round up of what I saw/did this week.

Hope you all enjoy them.

Bike Shop in Puerto Viejo

Bike Shop in Puerto Viejo - Rented a bike for the day for $5!

Tico roasting a pig for dinner.

PUNTA UVA (best beach I have been too so far). We rode out bikes about 14km here from Puerto Viejo.

Carnival in Bocas del Torro. I had some shots up close to the devils but I want to show you the amount of people out here.

Random house in Boca del Torro. I love the shades of blue and then the blue jeans hanging on the line.

Have any thoughts or comments on the pictures leave them below.



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  1. That beach looks great – glad you’re having fun Jaime!
    Poi recently posted..Splash- Drink- Float- Pass Out!

  2. Looks like you’re having an amazing time!
    Aaron @ Aaron’s Worldwide Adventures recently posted..“Be Safe…You Might Get Bombed”

  3. The last pic looks amazing Jaime! Great eye for that!
    Erica recently posted..Being set up in Barbados

  4. We are looking forward to getting to Puerto Viejo next week. Hope we bump into you again at some point. Have fun!

  5. 1) Pobre pig! and 2) Take me to that beach PRONTO!!!
    Andi of My Beautiful Adventures recently posted..FAQ’s About My Upcoming Wedding Part 3

  6. Wow, week 2 already. Is that blur on the last photo “photoshoped” in? Looks good.
    Mike Lenzen recently posted..Practice Booking Flights

    • Hey Mike, yes I used a photo editor for the 1st time on the last picture. I lightened it a bit and then added a blur. Glad you like it.

  7. QueenBrain12 says:

    Let me guess, you rented the RED bike! Thanks for sharing the pics…I want to be there w/you!

  8. that boat pic is a good sample of a 1/3 pic it makes the pic look like the boat actually moving

  9. so Ill refrain from making the obvious “village bike” joke…

    but I would like to see a little bit more context in the captions of your pics. Also, I dont know if you intended this, but the photo of the blue house with blue jeans is out of focus around the house. I love that! It really makes the blue house with blue jeans stick out from its neighbors. I’ll definitely want a print of that!

    • Thanks WEV from refraining from dirty jokes…lol even though you know I dont care. As fr the pic of the blue house I am glad you like it. It is the 1st photo I used any type of editing for and looks like a few people love it. Maybe I will edit my photos before posting.
      Jaime recently posted..Photo Round Up – Week 2

  10. Punta Uva… interesting!!! Beautiful, thanks for sharing these photos Jaime… they’re worth a million words 🙂
    Keep enjoying it to the max! Waiting for the new camera… and new pics 🙂
    Giulia recently posted..My camera gear for travel photography

  11. Ur Lobster says:

    So Ive read an posted, looked at ur pics and Im posting again! Since u didn’t reply and I was so excited for u to get it, since I always read and never post, I’m going to go back to my anonymous blog reading!

    • OMG NOOOO I WANT MY LOBSTER TO BE VOCAL & COMMENT!!! Sorry I forgot to reply to your last comment but I did go back and comment. I am good at replying to everyones but sometimes i forget. I love you boo~

  12. awesome shots man, I l can’t wait to be at Carnival somewhere in SA next year!
    Scott recently posted..2012 RTW Itinerary- Opening Ceremonies

  13. awesome shots! Carnivale is definitely on my list of things to do before too long. Did Mardis Gras this year, who knows, maybe Carnivale next? hmm….

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