
Getting lost in Venice in photos!

“IN PHOTOS” is a series I will use to share many of the hundreds of photos I have taken during my travels. It is a series I have thought about for a while now, but did not want to start until I got back home from my trip. However after spending a week in Chefchaouen, Morocco I couldn’t wait any longer. “IN PHOTOS” will not have a set schedule like my “MUSIC MONDAY” or “PHOTO ROUND UP” series. “IN PHOTOS” will be a post with several photos with no limit. The only restriction this series will have is that it must be about a certain subject or theme. I will write a brief paragraph or sentence describing the subject or theme of the photos and then post the photos. I will label the photos (if you hover over them with your mouse you will see the label), but I will not caption the photos like I do on my blog post or on “PHOTO ROUND UP” with my thoughts. I want to use “IN PHOTOS” to share my photos and let you come up with your own thoughts about the images and hope you share them with me.

Venice is a city I have always dreamed of visiting. I had seen so many photos of it and in so many movies. As a kid I always wondered how they could build a city out of hundreds of islands where the roads are canals and the cars are boats, and make it function. Well now that I have visited I can tell you they have been able to make it function for HUNDREDS of years. This city is one of those cities that either you love or hate. I have talked with many people about it and it seems to be no in between. In my case I fell in love with it. It is absolutely one of the most magical cities I have ever visited in my life.

As soon as I got there I couldn’t stop smiling. I had one of those feelings you get every once in a while when you are on a trip around the world. The feeling of HOLY SHIT I AM ACTUALLY HERE. Yes that feeling for 2 whole days did not leave me at all. The hostel unfortunately was out of good maps of the city so they gave me a crappy map that you can see in the 1st photo to use to get around Venice. I thought okay I will use this map to get to the Rialto and San Marco square, but once I see those two things I will ditch it and just get lost in Venice. I knew I didn’t want to take a Venice Gondola Ride, but wanted to see the real side of Venice. I wanted to see the small canals and walk ways winding in a million ways with a million bridges leading every way you can imagine. So I did just that over the next two days I spent countless hours literally lost in Venice and ended up taking over 400 of Venice alone. Since all I did was walk and take photos of Venice I thought I would make this post a IN PHOTOS post and share with you some of my favorite photos I took while I was lost in Venice. I will be posting the photos of the colorful town of Burano at some other point, but for now I hope you enjoy these of Venice.

Map of Venice^^^—1—^^^

Grand Canal in Venice.^^^—2—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—3—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—4—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—5—^^^

Laundry in Venice^^^—6—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—7—^^^

Kissing couple in Venice.^^^—8—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—9—^^^

Fish Market in Venice^^^—10—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—11—^^^

Gondolas in Venice.^^^—12—^^^

Gondolas in Venice^^^—13—^^^

Gondola Riders in Venice^^^—14—^^^

Gondolas in Venice^^^—15—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—16—^^^

Sunset in Venice.^^^—17—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—18—^^^

Statue in Venice.^^^—19—^^^

Statue in Venice.^^^—21—^^^

Statues in Venice!^^^—22—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—23—^^^

Grand Canal Venice^^^—24—^^^

Virgin Mary in Italy^^^—25—^^^

Rustic wall.^^^—26—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—27—^^^

Couple watching sunset in Venice.^^^—28—^^^

Movie set in Venice^^^—29—^^^

Rialto, Venice^^^—30—^^^

Occupy Venice^^^—31—^^^

Occupy Venice.^^^—32—^^^

Occupy Venice!^^^–33—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—34—^^^

Painter in Venice!^^^—35—^^^

Venice, Italy!^^^—36—^^^

Laundry in Venice, Italy!^^^—37—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—38—^^^

Venice, Italy^^^—39—^^^

Hope you enjoyed the photos & I hope you share your thoughts below.


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  1. Great photos! It’s been a long time since I visited Venice and it was crazily hot at the time, but I would love to go back again – perhaps at this time of year like you, where it’s still bright and sunny but not as humid. For some reason I always think of Venice as romantic in a disorganised kind of way – it doesn’t take itself too seriously and I love cities like that.
    Julia recently posted..Head Torches are No Laughing Matter (and other oddities)

    • Oh Julia… you should go again around this time of year. Wasn’t many people and it was just the perfect weather. It was cold, but the beautiful sun would keep you just warm enough. Oh & yes Venice is so romantic… I would love to visit with my boyfriend get lost and kiss all over the city. I know Im a hopeless romantic…lol!!!

  2. Ahh! These photos are gorgeous Jaime! I cannot wait to go!!!!
    Sheryll recently posted..Hidden Gems in London: The Basement Tea Room in Camden

  3. Love these photos – I definitely fall into group of people who fell in love with Venice and I can’t wait to go back one day!
    Dani | Globetrottergirls recently posted..GlobetrotterGirls Holiday Travel Guide 2011

  4. Ah I really miss Venice. It’s a city that I could just wander around for hours, and getting lost was the best part of it.
    Dean recently posted..Visiting a Tharu Village in Chitwan, Nepal

    • Dean I agree it is a city I think anyone can spend hours wondering and never get tired of it. Around every corner is another surprise. Ahhh I loved it.

  5. Great photos! I’ve been enthralled with Venice ever since reading The City of Falling Angels. It’s high up on my life of places to visit. Thanks for the preview! 🙂
    Maggie recently posted..Soju and Beer

    • Maggie, I have never heard of that book… I am going to look it up now. I would love to read a book that takes place here now that I have been here and only seen a portion of it. As for visiting you should… it is just amazing.

  6. Your photography just keeps getting better & better! Love these, Jaime!
    Ali recently posted..Malaysian Borneo – Visiting the Proboscis Monkeys

  7. Hi it is always interesting seeing Venice from someone else’s eyes. I live, work, and visit Venice everyday, but i can see you surely did get lost, as i can’t recall some of the spots you have photographed!!! 🙂 But i also see you miss all the masks of Venice!!!! Only joking, i appreciate your photos as they represent your own point of view, you see, me, being a mask decorator, i tend to see masks everywhere 🙂
    Roberta Carraro recently posted..Concorso Pre Natalizio

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Hi Roberta, I would love to see images of my city (Houston) from someone else’s eye’s. I think I would feel the same way and un sure of half the places even though I know I love my city. As for the mask… ahh I saw them EVERYWHERE… but thought you know what I don’t want to include them in this post because that is what most people think about when they think of Venice and to me Venice no longer is represented to me by that. Does that make sense? I would have loved to meet a mask decorator though. They all seemed so interesting… but felt like I didn’t see any real ones.

      • Yes, you do make sense, and i tell you the truth by saying that it is quite hard now a day to compete with ..let’s call it globalisation, nothing wrong with that when it brings tourists, is just that we have lot’s of competition from cheap and, as you realized, fake masks! Well let’s hope you come to visit VEnice again I’ll show you how we do it!!! The italian way 🙂 Thanks for listening and keep up the good shots!!!

        • Oh I can imagine Roberta, I was very disappointed in them for that reason. I was never sure if they were real or fake and wanted to find a shop that made real ones. I will definitely be visiting Venice again at some point in in my life. I have an idea for you and your business. We need to spread the word of where the real mask are so people go to them. You can offer future travel bloggers to visit your shop and show them how it’s done or etc… and for them in return just write for you. Man now I wanna go back to see the real ones.

          • Oh you are so kind, tell you i don’t have my own shop in Venice, too expensive, but i supply some ot the shops, and my prices have to be low 🙂 wish i can sell tehm directly. I have my own studio out of Venice where i make them and then i do teach some classes here and there. Thanks for your advice will see in to that, let me know if any of your friends come over , will definetly love to meet them and show them the art of mask making!!

  8. These are my favorite photos you’ve ever taken!!!!!!!!!! INCREDIBLE!
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  9. Annette | Bucket List Journey says:

    Your lovely photos brought back so many wonderful memories. I was definitely lost in Venice more then 50% of the time during my visit, but I loved every minute of it 🙂
    Annette | Bucket List Journey recently posted..Don’t Bring Your Piggy Bank to Las Vegas

    • I am glad Annette I was able to bring some wonderful memories… back to ya. I think any one who visit is lost 50% of the time for sure and if they aren’t it’s a shame. It;s just amazing to be lost in this city.

  10. Lovely as usual 😀 Wanna go there with a special someone and probably do some outdoor camping hehe 😀
    Micamyx|Senyorita recently posted..A Crazy, Sexy and Fun Travel Week with Alex!

  11. Every one of these (except maybe the Occupy photos) looks like it was taken from a professional postcard or calendar scene. They inspire so much wanderlust!! I’m glad you didn’t wait until you were home to share these, although I’m sure there will be a lot of catching up to do once your trip does end.
    Patricia GW recently posted..Coloring in Shades of Disney

    • Thanks Pat… that is such an awesome complement. I will now turn this into a calendar…lol jk! Yeah some of these I just can’t wait to share and must do so now… but trust me I have plenty of photos I have to share so I will plenty to discuss once I am home… and prepare for my next big adventure!

  12. Great photos! Venice is definitely a city that’s on my “must-see” list!
    Amanda recently posted..The Best of Oahu, Hawaii – In Photos

  13. Hey Jaime-

    Finally catching up on your travels. So glad you are having such a wonderful time. We all miss you here in Houston. I am rather impressed with a ton of your photos. If you don’t mind…once you get your Italy album up, I may want you to send me a copy of a few of your photos. I think there are a few that I would like to print and frame for the house. Just beautiful.

    Happy Travels, my friend! Lots of love!!

    • Mary… I need to know which Mary you are…lol? I looked at your email address, but still couldn’t figure it out. I know a few Mary’s from home….lol!!!

      I am gad you are enjoying my photos… let me know which ones you want and I will email them to you for sure. Wow if anyone framed any of my photos that would just make me feel so damn special.

  14. Love these photos. I have such fond memories of Venice….oh the stories I could tell 🙂
    Mica recently posted..Photo Flashback of the week: 12,600 Monks in Thailand

  15. I don’t want to be a broken record, but your photos are great and getting better every week. The lighting really stands out for me this week, and you’ve done a fabulous job of capturing Venice.
    Heather recently posted..Heather the International Career (breaking) Panelist

    • jaja you are a broken record I LOVE… so don’t stop jaja, but Heather if one day they are not good tell me…lol! Have you been to Venice? I’m glad I captured it!

  16. Jaime!! These Photos are all so gorgeous and amazing! Makes me want to go back (this time not in July though, wayyyyy too many people). I especially love #9 – it’s a classic – I wouldn’t mind buying a print of it (hint hint). Love this post so much!
    Katrina Mauro recently posted..Brujas de Cachiche | Lima, Peru

    • Thank you so much Katrina, I’m so glad I didn’t go in peak season… maybe then I wouldn’t have liked it as much. I have never thought of selling my photos… thats a good idea though. I should figure out how to do that. As for pic #9 I love it too… there she was posing away for like some huge professional cameras. I’ll email it to you so you can print it!

  17. QueenBrain12 says:

    I loved them all. I fell in love with all the pics! what are all the ^^ for? Miss ya much


  18. The laundry shots are my favourite! They kind of remind me of my trip to La Habana a little. 🙂
    Audrey recently posted..Tiles Galore: Lisbon’s Azulejos

  19. I loved getting lost in Venice as well. Great photos! I really want to go back there and take more pics.
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  20. Venice is one of my favorite cities in the world and I am glad to see and hear you enjoyed it! So many people have such high expectations and are disappointed by the chaos and I am very glad to hear when someone embraces it and just goes with the flow and gets lost. It’s one of my favorite features of the city!!!
    Rebecca recently posted..Random Weekend: Book: Adventures of a Continental Drifter

    • Yes I agree with everything you said Rebecca. It is true… you have to embrace the chaos and go with the flow. I’m glad it lived up to mine…. I think if you don’t get lost in Venice you didn’t see it at all.

  21. Venice is a beautiful place, you took very beautiful photos
    Zablon Mukuba recently posted..Volunteering abroad and Universities

  22. Nice shots man! I love your description of the “Holy Shit!” moment, because that is all reality why I travel. I usually just shake my head and laugh when I have one of those. I had that same feeling in Venice 5 years ago in November as well. Like I think I mentioned to you before, I could care less how many people “overtourist’ Venice, you cannot stamp out it’s magic.
    Scott recently posted..My Dia De Los Meurtos in Mexico

    • I know that HOLY SHIT moment Scott is just amazing… I get them every once in a while & love them! Exactly you can not stamp out it’s magic… it’s magical & hope everyone goes one day. Glad you went in November… not that many people & just perfect!

  23. Wow, JD – You really ARE quite the photographer. Very impressed. We’re already sitting here in an Internet cafe in the cutest European town and these pics made me want to be in Venice. That says a lot.
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  24. Jaime, I randomly stumbled across your blog via Never-Ending footsteps, and I’m so glad I did!

    Venice is one of my favourite places in Europe, I was there twice outside of peak season and on both occasions it was pure magic. Your pictures have the quality that I aspire to – they look straight out of a Nat Geo or Lonely Planet magazine. Have you ever considered becoming a travel photographer?
    James recently posted..Travel sketch: Downtown Montréal

    • Glad you stumbled across my blog… James and that you enjoy it! Agree Venice is now one of my favorite places in Europe for sure it really is pure magic.

      Thanks for the comment on my photos… that is a great complement. I have actually thought of taking classes when I get home to get even better. I don’t know much about photography and would love to learn more. We’ll see what happens… the longer I travel the more I enjoy taking photos.

  25. Great photos Jaime. We love Venice – especially wandering the streets and getting lost.
    Erin recently posted..Nomadic Interviews: Shannon from A Little Adrift

  26. Great photography skills+ beautiful place = Lovely photos!

  27. These are beautiful photos. I’ve always said the best way to see Venice is to get lost.

    I had the “Holy Shit, I am really here” feeling this year in Yosemite and last year in Jerusalem. I’ve been so blessed to have that feeling so many times in my life.
    You put it into words so nicely.

    I wish everyone could have that feeling at least once in their lives.
    Erik recently posted..Sunrises & Sunsets

    • Thanks Erik, I love the HOLY SHIT moment… it’s just such an amazing feeling. I am so glad you have been able to have that moment. I have had it so many times this year too and agree I wish everyone could have that feeling at least once in their lives.

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