
Photo Round Up – Week 102 – 104

15  photo round up of what I saw/did these last 3 weeks in Cairo.

Hope you all enjoy them.

WEEK 102

City Stars, Cairo

Sometimes you just have to enjoy some “WESTERN” comforts and well we sure did. We spent a day at the mall… had Fudruckers for lunch and then watched a movie. It was nice. This is CITY STARS… one of the largest malls in The Middle East located in Cairo.

Street Art in Cairo

The Street Art scene in Cairo is alive & kicking… once again I was able to walk by Tahrir Sq. when a new painting was being painted.

Streets of Cairo

One of the buildings that took the brunt of the riots during the 2nd Anniversary of the Egyptian Revolution. Most of the times the protesters try to get things caught on fire so that the smoke over takes smell of the tear gas. This building is a block away from Tahrir Sq.

Street Food in Cairo

Ordering food at 4am from the streets of Cairo. We were a bit drunk which is very unusual since we rarely drink in Cairo. Anyway I love this photo & turned it balck & white to show more detail. This guy was about to close but when we came he reopened and went off to buy all the ingredients needed.

Street Art in Cairo

I always look forward to the new street art when I walk to Tahrir Sq. but this time it hurt. Lately it’s been hard to accept the challenges Gay men deal with in Egypt & this doesn’t help. The hardest part to accept is that the street art is drawn around the city is from the “next generation” and are from open minded people. Y’all know I love street art, but to see this drawn on the walls hurts.

WEEK 103

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

The only sign I have been able to find at the Pyramids that says “IT IS FORBIDDEN TO CLIMB THE PYRAMID”It’s tiny and only on one side of the Pyramid. It’s actually useless because even though you are not supposed to climb them every one does so.

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

Spent one whole day at the Pyramids of Giza. This is my 3rd VISIT and fuck they still leave me in awe and wonder.

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

I’ve seen the Sphinx 3 times now and for some reason I’ve never been impressed by it, until I saw it this time from behind. It’s actually very damn big… doesn’t seem that way when you see it from the front because the head is small.

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

As I was walking out to exit the pyramids ground I saw the silhouettes of the pyramids and the shadow of the horse carriage and snapped this shot. It is now one of my favorite ones. I turned it black and white again to show the detail.

Pyramids of Giza, Egypt

The silhouette of The Pyramid of Cheops with the sun behind it and a bird in the distance.

WEEK 104

Beni Suif, Egypt

I was lucky enough to visit “Zawiet Selim – Beni Suif”a very small town about 3 hours south of Cairo. I arrived on Monday during market day and loved it. The market is an open dirt area where everyone is selling their goods on the floor. Here are a group of women buying vegetables.

Beni Suif, Egypt

The farms around the town were beautiful. It was endless beautiful green with palm tree after palm tree as far the eye could see.

Beni Suif, Egypt

I rode my 1st donkey in Zawiet Selim… it was so funny and a bit uncomfortable.

Sunset in Egypt

The sunset in Zawiet  Selim one of the most beautiful sunsets I have ever seen… it was magical.

Street art in Cairo

I couldn’t believe this… when I saw this, but it made me feel amazing and so happy. It went from “COPS ARE GAYS” to “HOMOPHOBIA IS NOT REVOLUTIONARY” in a bit over a week. Reminds me why I love street art. I’d love to know who did it because they really deserve credit. This is more courageous than any of the other street art paintings I have ever seen painted in Cairo.



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  1. I love all the shots, but the last one is one is just amazing… So happy to see that on a wall in Downtown Cairo!!!
    Great pics as usual 🙂
    Giulia recently posted..The beautiful South Coast of Iceland on the road

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Giulia and yes the last one… ah how I fucking love the last one. I seriously am so happy I was able to get that shot. I’ll be going to Tahrir again before I leave to see if I find any new street art. I’m gonna miss finding new street art when I leave Cairo.

  2. QueenBrain12 says:

    EEEEE I love all the pics and your captions. Thank you for always sharing your thoughts. I can’t beleive I haven’t been on here in a long time.


    • Jaime Davila says:

      EEEEEeee I love that you commented, yes it had been a long time since you’ve been on here. Glad you stopped by and thanks for the comment!!!


  3. Yeah great photos!! as always!! lol Makes me want to go there!! Liked the one with the donkey!! lol. How far did you go on it????

  4. That token photo of the pyramids should be on postcards dude… Love the street shots too…

  5. What really took my aback was the header: WEEK 104. Wow! I can’t believe you’ve been on the road that long. Congratulations and great photos, as always Jaime 🙂
    Patricia GW recently posted..REFLECTIONS: Touching the Infinite

    • Jaime Davila says:

      I know it’s crazy right Pat… I mean I have no clue where the time has gone. Glad you enjoyed the photos!

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