
Photo Round Up – Week 54 & 55

I am now in India and have been for about 2 weeks… I must admit it has not been easy at all. I don’t know if I love it or hate it. It’s so overwhelming and exhausting. Now that I am here I am also finding out 1st hand that finding reliable WiFi is very difficult so to make it easier for me I will now be doing a Photo Round Up when I can. If I can for that week I will and if I can’t for 2 or 3 weeks I will just have to combine them like I am doing for these 2 weeks. That will give me time to edit photos get them uploaded and make sure they are ready to be shown correctly. I know I am OCD about my blog and hate changing things up, but feel like I must do this to not overwhelm myself more than India is already doing for me. So here you have it.

10 photo round up of what I saw/did these last 2 weeks.

Hope you all enjoy them.


Cairo from above!

I left Cairo to make my way to New Delhi. As I looked out the window and said see you later to Cairo I thought why not take a photo. I rarely do when I am on an airplane & don't know why, but I should more often. It was a hard good bye as the whole way to the airport and on the plane I fought hard to hold tears back. I said good bye to a country and a man I love.

The Lotus Temple in New Delhi

The Bahá'í House of Worship in New Delhi (known as the Lotus Temple)! I had never heard of this religion or type of worship it is like all other Bahá'í Houses of Worship, the Lotus Temple is open to all regardless of religion, or any other distinction, as emphasized in Bahá'í texts. The Bahá'í laws emphasize that the spirit of the House of Worship be that it is a gathering place where people of all religions may worship God without denominational restrictions. I really like this concept. I think this would bring more unity and peace and less discrimination and hate.

Holi Festival in Mathura, India!

I celebrated Holi in Mathura and even though this is not my most colorful photo this is one of my favorites. I love how the 3 of them are just standing there starring into my camera as I was able to shoot this photo. I love the face on each of them and that one was picking his nose.

Holi Festival in Mathura, India!

Here is one of my more colorful photos from the event... I have many more, but am saving some of my great ones to do a future IN PHOTOS post on the festival.

Holi Festival in Mathura, India!

We all started out clean and beautiful... this is how we all ended. I wrote an entire post on this event so be sure to look out for it. In it I explain how I loved the even, but also hated it. I also mention that I don't think I would ever do it again.


Taj Mahal, India

Ahh the famous TAJ MAHAL... also known as the MOST BEAUTIFUL BUILDING IN THE WORLD. I finally got to this baby!!! Even though it did not take my breath away I must admit it is one stunning beauty. I believe most people know the history of it, so won't go into detail. Even though I know this is one of the most common ways to photograph this baby... I had to do it too & it turned out to be my best shot of it.

Taj Mahal, India

This is the Taj Mahal from behind. We were told that watching the sunset behind it was stunning... & well you all know I am a sucker for sunsets, but this one must have been the most uneventful sunset in my life. The Taj is THERE & then the sun is setting ALL THE WAY TO THE RIGHT. I mean like you can't even get them in the same photo. Anywho I did manage to get this beautiful shot and love it so much because you can see all the people that are at the Taj. Look at them they are so tiny compared to the building and they look as if they are all lined up in one single file.


Indian Food

One of my favorite meals in India so far. It's called TALI... & it is just a mini mixture of many Indian food put on one tray. I love the variety and love the tast and flover of each of them. I also love that just about everywhere it cost less than $2 and sometimes way under $1.

Jaipur, India
Jaipur, India

Visited the Monkey temple on top of a hill in Jaipur and this is my favorite shot from the time I spent there. I love it that even monkeys stand there and admire a nice view. That is the city of Jaipur from above. Yes very smoggy and polluted but um that's India for you.




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  1. I’ve not been to India yet, but nowhere else in the world seems to get the ‘don’t know whether I love it or hate it’ reaction from travellers like it does. All I know, having met many people in south east asia who’d just come from India, is that the majority of people grow to love it once they’ve been there a month or so. So I hope that’s happening to you too (and if not – there’s no shame in just changing plans and getting out!)

    Really looking forward to your holi post too.
    Geoff recently posted..My 7 Links: Revisiting some old favourites

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Geoff, yup that is what everyone says about this country…. & well I think I am finding out 1st hand.

  2. The openness of the Lotus Temple, accepting all religions and beliefs in spirituality, would definitely bring more peace. One shouldn’t view their religion as “right” and all others “wrong” – you have to accept all that there is, and realize that no matter what name you call it, it’s your own individual spirituality within.
    Looking forwards to your thoughts on HOLI, and more Indian dishes as delicious as TALI looks.
    Patricia GW recently posted..Loving Someone You Know is Going to Die

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Agree Pat, that type of openness and acceptance really would bring more peace on earth. I wish more would follow, because like you said no religion is right and no religion is wrong. Oh & yes I will be having plenty more post to come from India!!!

  3. That last picture is AMAZING!!!!!!

  4. Glad you were able to sneak in a photo round up with the slow connection! Hopefully you know because I always try to comment, but I really look forward to these posts — in fact, it’s probably the post I eagerly anticipate the most in any given week (shh, don’t tell anyone ;-)). Even though you’re not too sure about India yet, I know I’m looking forward to seeing all of your photos.
    Heather recently posted..St. Patrick’s Day: Green + Guinness

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Thanks Heather so much… seriously it means a lot to me. I always wonder if anyone actually looks forward to my 5 photos on Friday & if I don’t post them will anyone notice. Now I feel so happy inside and I am not kidding. I just need to know one person cares & I am happy. As for India I think it’s growing on me, but we’ll see what happens. Got a long ways to go… 2.5months to be exact!

  5. I love your Photo Round Up column! I look forward to checking your website and that specific column every chance I get.

    The picture with the 3 people…it looks like something I would find in a magazine…they are posing for the camera.

    I agree with you on one place for religion would bring peace. God Bless Earth!

    I love the photo of The Taj Mahal! It looks absolutely beautiful!

    • Jaime Davila says:

      EEEEeeee CECY… thanks for the comment!!! Ahh I love it when someone from home comments on my blog, it just makes my day! I am glad you too enjoy my photo round ups. I love the photo of the 3 kids just standing there, it’s like they are posing yet not at all. I wish more religions would be like that one for sure it would make the world a better place & Cecy the truth is you would love love love the Taj Mahal… the architect in you would go crazy. Miss ya & love ya!

  6. Great pictures Jaime! I’d love to see the Taj Mahal someday, but I’m not sure if I can handle India.
    Ali recently posted..The Great Ocean Road and a Bit of Parrot Poo

    • Jaime Davila says:

      You should come just for it & the SEX TEMPLES… you can’t miss those!!! You could do a packaged tour… (I’m not being sarcastic either).

  7. kailash pareek says:

    and that plate is called ‘Thali’ not ‘Tali’ 😛

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