
Photo Round Up – Week 34

5 photo round up of what I saw/did this week.

Hope you all enjoy them.

Saturday October 15, 2011 was a big day around the world. It was a day the people of the world were taking to the street to protest in peace the frustration they have with everything going on. By everything I mean all the corruption and greed and unfairness that is happening with our money. I happened to be in Madrid that day & decided to check it out. I'm doing a post on it with a lot of photos so will go into more detail there, but this is a shot of me at the protest march. I love it I am glad I was able to march along with them. Oh & the big sign in the back says "UNITED FOR A GLOBAL CHANGE".

This was shot the same day the march went down "GRAN VIA" the main street in Madrid. After a while the crowd disappeared as they made there way to the Royal Palace. I had never been able to walk down the main street of any city I visit and found it a perfect opportunity to lay down and look up and then turn around and take a shot of the street with my camera at street level. This is what I was able to get & I love it. I love that the street is perfect & clear, but the people & buildings & lights around me are all blurry. I think this is a prefect representation of "GRAN VIA, MADRID".

Corrida de Toros (Spanish BullFighting) is one of the most controversial traditions in Spain at that the moment. I will not go into detail as I plan on writing a whole post on this. On Sunday I attended a Corrida and managed to get this shot of the two most important thing the MATADOR & THE BULL.

I bet you are wondering what in the world is this.... go on guess... try and guess. Look at it don't cheat and read on. Yup it's a church... what? I know I couldn't believe it either. It's the Church of Santa Monica in Madrid. It's no where near the city center. In fact it took me about an hour on the metro to get to it. I had never heard of it, but I always google "strange buildings in (city I'm in)" & see what comes up. This came up and oh man I knew I had to see it for my self. To get this shot I had to sneak in since the entire building is fenced off. It was worth it because I love how the rays of the sun come down in all directions and then the building does too.

I took a day trip from Madrid to the former capital of Spain Toledo. Here is a shot of the famous beautiful town of TOLEDO, MADRID from ABOVE! I think this captures it all... the beautiful houses that make the winding streets so amazing to walk through... the amazing Cathedral, the Alcazar of Toledo and then in the back the beautiful hills.



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    I’m glad you could live a bit of this historical moment for Spain and the whole world. To be honest, since the 15th of May, “the indignados movement” has been the first real form of the “people’s expresión. I really hope you enjoyed it, I know i did!
    I guess this whole movement does backup the idea of taking off and exploring the world when your home land doesn’t have too much to offer at the moment.
    Buen viaje JAIME & enjoy

    • Thanks MUGS, I know I am glad I was able to live a bit of this historical moment… it was a huge day for the world. It was amazing to see the news and watch the world get together for CHANGE!!! I enjoyed it so much… & yeah kinda agree with what you say about my homeland, but I did have a steady job, but I was not happy. Now I am so happy its insane…

  2. Love the shot of Gran Via and very cool that you went to the “Occupy” rally. We’re going to be writing about that as well.
    Kent @ No Vacation Required recently posted..Table for 9 Billion Please

  3. Another great round and getting better and better every week (I know I’ve been saying this for weeks too O:-))

    Favorite might be the second one but the church is cool too with the lighting!
    Heather recently posted..What’s Next: Lifestyle Choices

  4. U said u ain’t photographer but u lay down on the street and just capture ” perfect picture” …big WOW

    • Jaime Davila says:

      jaja thanks June so much. Yeah I love that photo, still can’t believe I was able to lay in the middle of Gran Via, Madrid.

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