
Music Monday – Better Than I Used to Be

Anyone who meets me knows I love music. I love all types… ummm okay I love most types of music. For me its about the lyrics and what it is the artist is talking about or what message they are trying to convey. I love to dissect a song and its lyrics completely. Every Monday I want to post a song that either inspires me, makes me think about the world we live in, motivates me to always be who I am or may be something I was feeling at some point. It will be a great mix of different types of music and hope it will also do the same for you. I love to think that music captures what so many of us may be feeling or want to say, but don’t know how.

SONG – Better Than I Used to Be

ARTIST – Tim McGraw


I know how to hold a grudge
I can send a bridge up in smoke
And I can’t count the people I’ve let down, the hearts I’ve broke
You ain’t gotta dig too deep
If you wanna find some dirt on me
I’m learning who you’ve been
Ain’t who you’ve got to be
It’s gonna be an uphill climb
Aww honey I won’t lie

I ain’t no angel
I still got a still few more dances with the devil
I’m cleanin up my act, little by little
I’m getting there
I can finally stand the man in the mirror I see
I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get
But I’m better than I used to be

I’ve pinned a lot of demons to the ground
I’ve got a few old habits left
There’s one or two I might need you to help me get
Standin in the rain so long has left me with a little rust
But put some faith in me
And someday you’ll see
There’s a diamond under all this dust

I ain’t no angel
I still got a still few more dances with the devil
I’m cleanin up my act, little by little
I’m getting there
I can finally stand the man in the mirror I see
I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get
But I’m better than I used to be

I ain’t no angel
I still got a still few more dances with the devil
But I’m cleanin up my act, little by little
I’m getting there
I can finally stand the man in the mirror I see
I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get
But I’m better than I used to be

LISTEN TO IT HERE – Better Than I Used to Be by Tim McGraw

WHY I PICKED IT – I don’t think I’ve ever had the same artist back to back on my Music Monday, but that honor goes to Tim McGraw. I mentioned it last time and I’ll mention it again… Y’all know I love Tim McGraw, he is one of my favorite singers in the world. I love his voice and love so many of his songs because the lyrics are very powerful. Well on October 25, 2012 I remembered it had been 2 years since I went to court and was taken off my year of probation and had my DWI dismissed. I messaged one of my best friends and let her know that I am actually so proud of myself and who I have become. I can’t believe it’s been 2 years… I mean fuck how time flies. I still remember the day I made THE MISTAKE and was sent to JAIL and then had to deal with the CONSEQUENCES for 19 months. That was a huge part of me and it transformed me into THE NEW ME. So anyway I picked this song because recently I heard it and struck a cord with me because it’s so me. My favorite verse is:

“I ain’t no angel
I still got a still few more dances with the devil
I’m cleanin up my act, little by little
I’m getting there
I can finally stand the man in the mirror I see
I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get
But I’m better than I used to be”

It’s so me… like 100%, I know I am no angel and hell yes I know I still have a few more dances with the devil and that “I ain’t as good as I’m gonna get, but am better than I used to be”. I love that I hit rock bottom and was able to come out learning from it so much and take my life on a new course. I love that now that I have been traveling for about 20 months I too have changed so much from the start… yes I still get crazy here and there, but most of all I know that seeing the world has made me a better person as a whole. So I know with time I will get even better and that for the rest of my life I will be better than I used to be. I think a lot of us with troubled past or not can change into better people with time. So don’t let anyone tell you people don’t change because WE CAN & it’s up to US to make that change! Listen to this song & just get lost in his beautiful lyrics.

Oh & please remember DON’T DRINK & DRIVE.

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  1. Proud of you Jaime!
    Ali recently posted..Obtaining Visas as a US Citizen

  2. It’s a great song. Can see why it holds such a special meaning to you.

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