
A date with myself at the Hard Rock Cafe Madrid.

I had actually been having a great week in Madrid… I attended Occupy Madrid (quite the experience) went to my 1st Corrida de Toros (still not sure how I feel about it). It felt great to have found my groove back after almost calling it quits. I was in love with Madrid it was a city with many sites and things to do and very walkable at that. Then out of no where I got a cold with a horrible fever. Luckily though the fever only lasted one night and in the morning it was gone so my plans to visit Toledo were still intact. I visited Toledo loved it, but just was not feeling great. My cough had not gone away and I was starting to want comfort food from home. This time McDonalds wasn’t going to cut it. I made my way back to Madrid and made plans for the next day. I knew Madrid had to have a Hard Rock Cafe so I looked it up and sure enough walking distance away one was here. I was so excited… I wanted some real Tex-Mex style nachos or a huge American Burger (you know the ones that will kill you). I made a date with myself at the Hard Rock Cafe Madrid.

Before I go into details about my date let me explain a bit of history I have with Hard Rock Cafe. See every visit I have had with HRC has been a great one and normally a special occasion not to special but just has a meaning. The 1st time I ever went to HRC was in Houston with my friends “The Incredibles“. We were celebrating our 1st INCREDIBLE CHRISTMAS (I’ll write about this tradition when I am depressed during the holidays missing home and them…lol). Then I remember visiting HRC Salt Lake City on a company paid trip and  just loved it (cus it was all free jaja). So I thought okay I’ve been to two maybe I can make it a goal to visit all of them all over the world and collect the shot glasses (see I have always wanted to travel). Then one of the other visits was a visit to HRC San Antonio with my ex-boyfriend. We had spent the weekend in San Antonio to celebrate our anniversary (little did I know that relationship would not last much longer…lol). Also a good time… was the time I visited one of my best friends Jai in New York City. Of course being my 1st time in NYC I visited HRC along with every single ICONIC TOURIST ATTRACTION I could find. Ask Jai I think he still hates me for dragging him to all of them (I was a naive traveller then…lol). Since then I have gone back to the one in Houston a few more times and know that I could rely on there menu no matter where I was. So I knew it would be just what I needed to make me feel at home.


After a 30 minute walk I finally made it too Hard Rock Cafe Madrid.

I was kinda shocked it was that small. I know that size doesn’t matter though so was still happy.

I of course took a photo of the iconic logo.


Before asking for a seat I walked into the gift shop to see the iconic Hard Rock Cafe SHOT GLASS!!! I so wanted to buy it, but it would be a pain to take care of while backpacking. You see the thing is I used to buy a shot glass of every city I visited. When I started my RTW trip I knew I couldn’t keep doing that since it just wouldn’t be possible.


I got my seat immediately since I was a table for one… I opened the menu and my jaw dropped when I saw the prices for their burgers… I wanted to cry. I couldn’t believe it. I couldn’t make myself order a burger for that price. That is almost $22 for a damn burger. Y’all know I LOVE burgers, but hell if I am going to pay that much for it… it better make me shit gold or something valuable. So instead I opted for some over priced nachos.  


While waiting for my food I read a lil HRC book that is placed at every table advertising merchandise etc… Then I found this page and my dream of visiting every HRC was born again…. but ended when I saw my bill.


I hated where they sat me… I was in a corner for everyone in the room to watch me all ALONE. Well lil did they know I was the one watching them… I took several photos and this one is my fav. People are strange… when they eat & half the time they are even listening to each other just nodding along. I love people watching.


My over priced nachos (you’ll see in a minute) don’t they look so fucking good? When I got them OMG I WAS IN HEAVEN. I had not had anything like this in a VERY LONG TIME. Hello I almost got an erection when I saw the JALAPENOS… I miss spicy food. I miss it so damn much. I think aside from family & friends it is what I miss the most. Ahh just looking at this picture makes me want to drool. Oh & when I got them everyone around me looked at me like “holy shit is he going to eat that alone?” Ummm I sure did eat them all!


Only after a few bites it clicked to me that they must have TABASCO sauce. It;s not my favorite hot sauce, but it’s the most popular in America, so knew they would have it. Ahhh I was in heaven I put some all over my nachos and a few minutes later my nose started running… that hasn’t happen in a while either!!! 


Then the date came to an end & it was time to pay… Yeah told ya over priced nachos. That is when my dream of visiting every HRC in the world vanished again. Turned out this date cost me $23.85. It’s okay I paid with no problem because I enjoyed every fucking minute of it.I had been a while since I had any good TEX-MEX food & these nachos did not disappoint. I at least charged it so I’ll get some points back…lol!


I must admit my date with my self at Hard Rock Cafe was perfect. I was treated well, the customer service was great & was everything I expected. I was able to enjoy a meal that I had not had in a very long time and reminded me of many good memories. Now though I would like to give Hard Rock Cafe a message… Ummm if you gave me a discount card like lets say 50-75% off all prices I would be sure to visit every Hard Rock Cafe I come across on my travels. Noooo okay. Well it was worth a shot. So now I am asking you when was the last time you went on a date with your self to a place that brings back great memories? While traveling have you ever done something similar to this? Do you agree sometimes we just need food from home?


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  1. Yeah western and American Iconic stuff are always more expensive in other countries.

    I definitely need food from home sometimes. This is why I go to Burger King usually once a week. It is actually fairly cheap in comparison to other sit down places and reminds me enough of home. Also dead easy to get to.
    Actually your nachos weren’t much different price wise than the burger. Glad you got your memory-food.
    Andrew recently posted..A Quick Guide to Near but not In Cinque Terre

    • Andrew ahhh yes even fast food is more expensive outside of the US. I don’t understand why, but oh well. Oh & yes I need my burger fix everyonce in a while… okay like once a week. I can’t help, but love McDonalds. I’m actually here right now using the WiFi…lol!!! I know thinking of it now I should have gone for the burger…. but oh well they were good!

  2. Ohhh I’m so jealous. Expensive or not, they just do not have god Tex-Mex in Taipei. I’m having some serious withdrawals out here! Glad to see you’re doing well 🙂
    Katie recently posted..The right place, at the right time.

  3. Sometimes you have to splurge, even if you’re on a budget. And I always miss Mexican food. We found a Mexican place in Siem Reap a few days ago, and it wasn’t too bad, I’d go back…you know if I’m ever actually in Siem Reap again 🙂 Just think, this evens out with the super cheap beer and tapas nights from a few months ago.
    Ali recently posted..Balinese Cooking Class in Photos

    • Ali… ahh I know I miss MEXICAN food SOOOOO MUCH!!! I actually miss HOT SAUCE the most. When I am in Siem Reap I will have to check out that lil Mexican place. Oh & yes we splurge a bit and budget on others… it all evens out in the end!

  4. Oh my god…. those prices slay me.

    We all do this sort of thing from time to time. Sometimes you just need the familiar.

    BTW – Have you tried Chipotle Tabasco? We’ve gotten hooked.
    Kent @ No Vacation Required recently posted..You Know What’s Scary? Exhaustion

    • I know Kent they SLAYED me too… but I needed a FIX!!! Yes the familiar is something I needed and was missing a lot. I haven’t tried that hot sauce… where can I find it?

  5. Okay, it’s breakfast time and now I want nachos 😉
    Annette | Bucket List Journey recently posted..365 Thought Provoking Questions Challenge. 266 thru 275.

  6. Your description of those nachos cracked me up!! It looks SO delicious, but HRC is very overpriced. I used to collect their pins when I was a kid, but then I realized it was really a waste of money. It must have felt so good to experience a little “home away from home.”
    Patricia GW recently posted..My Fling with Seafood Pasta

    • Pat yes they are SOOOOOO overpriced. Yeah collecting some small things that cost a lot is a waste of money. I used to collect so many things, but stopped when I started planning for this trip. It was nice though to experience home away from home.

  7. QueenBrain12 says:

    I’m tried of Mexican and Tex-Mex! lol sorry i had to rub it in. btw I bought the Kelly cd!!!


  8. The last time I walked in to a HRC (Barcelona maybe?) I walked right back out because of the prices. But sometimes you just have to splurge! I did it often in Australia…the prices are higher in general than what I’m used to paying, but minimum wage is higher too. I had plenty of meals out alone for much of my time in Oz…hope you’ll enjoy some of the same places when you get there 🙂 So glad you treated yourself!
    Heather recently posted..Football, Food, and Festivals of Fall

    • Jaime Davila says:

      Heather I so wanted to walk out, but I wanted my nachos…lol!!! Yeah splurging once in a while is not a bad thing at all. I just kept wondering how do these people afford these high priced meals. Oh & yeah eating alone I am used to it now… that is why I enjoy street food so much more, because you just eat it fast. Yeah when I make it to Oz I will be emailing you for so many things.

  9. It’s always good to treat yourself to something special! Burgers and nachos are the same for me!
    Adam recently posted..Three weeks from today…I’ll be back in America

  10. I know exactly what you mean… sometimes you just need some comfort food from home! I’ve never been a fan of HRC though, always find it overpriced & the one time I went in I didn’t like the food at all. I find myself marveling at the European cheeses in the supermarkets here in Asia though… but I will NOT pay the $15 for a Brie 😉
    Dani | Globetrottergirls recently posted..Polaroid of the week: Long-tail boats on Phi Phi Island, Thailand

    • Oh shit $15 for cheese… wow. Yeah Dani, HRC is way over priced… I don’t understand why it’s normal food like TGIF or Chili’s at home. I wish they would comment on this post.

  11. Oh, Jaime. You really crack me up. We have to meet some day.
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